The increase in the number of motorized vehicles is increasing every year, this makes roads in Indonesia increasingly crowded and often causes congestion. In addition to congestion, the increase in the number of motorized vehicles also causes other problems such as traffic accidents and also crime. The reason is, traffic accidents that occur not only cause minor injuries but also the loss of a person's life which can harm all parties, both accident victims, their families, as well as other road users.

In some cases, accidents can cause considerable financial loss. Have you realized that accidents are unavoidable? But the resulting loss can be anticipated by transferring it to a third party, namely registering the vehicle with car insurance or vehicle insurance.

It is undeniable that the awareness to have car insurance is important and most people already know this. In fact, more people ignore the use of car insurance or vehicle insurance, especially in Indonesia, according to the results of the OJK national financial literacy survey in 2013 showing that 39.8% of Indonesians are not at all familiar with financial literacy for any type of insurance product, be it best car insurance or other vehicle insurance, health insurance, and others.

An understanding of insurance is quite important considering that insurance is an effective way to plan and manage finances to avoid sudden large expenses. The best car insurance or vehicle insurance is one type of protection that is important and needed by four-wheeled vehicle owners. The reason is that in this era, there are more and more car users, so there is an increase in the volume of vehicles in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, which until now has not been supported by the speed of road expansion.

The following statistics show an increase in the number of vehicles from year to year.

Insident data from BPS

Source: Central Bureau of Statistics

Based on the statistics above, the largest increase in the number of vehicles was motorcycles accompanied by an increase in the number of cars. With the increasing number of vehicles, the higher the risk of an accident that will be experienced by a car. This is in line with one's need to get the best car insurance.

The use of car insurance is not new, since decades ago, various insurance companies have emerged. Therefore, as consumers, we must be observant in choosing the type and car insurance product that fits our needs and budget. Do you already have insurance for your vehicle? If you don't have it yet, start by choosing the best type of vehicle insurance or car insurance that is right for your needs and also pay attention to the type of car insurance product you choose, will this best car insurance cover all your needs?

1. Adjust the type of insurance to suit your needs

The first thing you should look at when choosing the best vehicle insurance or car insurance is the age of the vehicle itself, the condition of the engine and the condition of the car body. By knowing the condition of the vehicle, you can easily choose the type of insurance to choose.

There are 2 types of Car Insurance:

  • All Risk or comprehensive insurance   
    The first type of car insurance is all risk car insurance. This type of vehicle insurance can also be called comprehensive or overall insurance because this type of all risk insurance is very appropriate. chosen if your car is only 0 - 10 years old, because at that age, the condition of the car body is still smooth, so it requires total protection. All risk insurance has various types of extensions that you can add, such as losses due to collisions or theft and protection from floods. By using an all risk insurance product, you will get a temporary replacement car while your car is under repair at the workshop. In addition, all risk insurance still has other types of protection, such as third party claims, damage due to impact, overturning, slipping, falling, and fire.   
  • TLO Insurance (Total Loss Only)   
    In accordance with its meaning, Total Loss Only (TLO) is insurance that "only (if) total loss". This type of car insurance is related to the protection and process of insurance claims which can only be submitted if the total loss is only, what is meant by total loss in this TLO insurance is the result of theft or damage. Where the repair costs are equal to or more than 75% of the price of the car. This TLO insurance is the right choice if your car is 10 - 15 years old, because at that age, the condition of the car body is not as smooth as it used to be and it is certain that it will not be used again. If the old car (6 - 10 years) uses all risk car insurance, a loading rate of 5% per year will be charged.   

    This TLO insurance has its own advantages, namely the cost of insurance premiums is cheaper, compared to all risk insurance which does have a higher insurance premium cost. and If viewed from the protection side, all risk insurance provides more comprehensive protection compared to TLO insurance.

2. Do a Product and Insurance Company Comparison

Comparing the same type of vehicle protection product at different best car insurance companies will be very useful to find out the type of service and protection budget that best suits your needs. Comparisons can be made by browsing on the official website of each company, besides that you can also go directly to the office that will protect your car and ask through an insurance agent.

3. Listening and Considering Dealer Recommendations


In determining the best car insurance, of course, you also need to pay attention to the car insurance company that will be chosen. It would be nice if you listen to the recommendations of the vehicle dealer. At least you will be guided in choosing an insurance company and given recommendations on what insurance companies think they are quite good and trustworthy and you will also get some important information from companies recommended by the dealer.

After you get a recommendation from the dealer, it doesn't mean that you immediately take the recommendation and decide. However, you also need and have to look for more information about the insurance company that has been recommended and also look for the insurance company reference again as a comparison and whether or not it suits you and is also right for your car.


4. Adjust with the ability to pay insurance premiums

The more expansion of the best car insurance coverage that is taken, the better and makes the protection of your car more secure. However, the number of expansions makes the premium price also increase. It's better to adjust the selected product with the ability to pay insurance premiums, don't let it be because the cost of insurance premiums is too expensive to make you have to go into debt to pay for it.

It should also be noted, not to be tempted by the cost of cheap insurance premiums because with low insurance premiums, you will not necessarily get a guarantee for good service and prima, there is a price there is quality. It's also a good idea to make comparisons first on the protection program products with other insurance companies.

5. Understanding the Types of Vehicle Insurance Policies That Will Be Provided

Understanding the type of policy in choosing the best car insurance is an important thing for you when you are going to become a prospective customer, so you understand and know what points will cover your vehicle listed on the vehicle insurance policy.

Understanding the best car insurance policies is not an easy job because the language written in the policy is complex legal language, usually written in lower case letters and long sentences. However, to better understand it you can ask for a dummy policy or a copy of the best car insurance policy. Usually a copy of the policy contains a standard policy from each vehicle protection program company, this policy explains the rules and agreements between the customer and the party who bears or the insurance company.

The following are the points of an Insurance policy that must be understood more deeply:

  • Guaranteed Risk  
    Understanding the risks covered in the best car insurance and auto insurance policies is very important. An example of whether the policy covers flooding or provides a replacement car loan.  
  • Excluded Risk  
    After understanding what risks are guaranteed by the insurance, it is also necessary to pay attention to what risks are excluded or risks that are not covered by the insurance. An example of an exception from the best car insurance is that the company does not cover losses caused if the vehicle is used to tow other vehicles, give driving lessons, be used for car racing competitions, or be used for crime.  
  • Claim Procedure  
    Ask the vehicle protection program to explain the procedure for the claim, what documents or files are needed to file an insurance claim and also ask how long the deadline for filing a claim is and whether there is a fine or not.  

    Choose a company that is fast in handling customer claims. find out through the company's official website about how many insurance claims the company receives. Don't just choose the best car insurance company with big names but the service and performance is so bad and slow.  
  • Name of the Insured Who is Dependent on the Insurance Policy     
    In car insurance, the insurance company will only guarantee losses if the car is damaged by the name of the insured, not by another party.  
  • Insurance Beneficiary  
    Usually the beneficiary of the insurance is the name listed on the policy. However, there are some insurance companies that allow the beneficiaries of insurance to be the insured and other people.  
  • When is the validity period of the insurance policy  
    Not only the validity period that must be observed, but the policyholder must also pay attention to when the policy expires. it is necessary to pay attention to the date, month and year of the policy expiration.  
  • Amount of Accountable Money  
    Look carefully, how much is the sum insured, is there any coverage for Third Party Liability (TPL). How much is the premium, is there a loading fee? What premium and expansion costs are covered in the premium?

6. Use the Services of the Best Insurance Companies

Take these things into account when choosing the best insurance company:

  1. Credibility of insurance companies  
    Make sure the best car insurance product you choose comes from an insurance company with good credibility in the eyes of the public.  
  2. Resolving customer complaints  
    Look for complaint information on the internet and various forums about insurance products. Watch how they solve customer problems. The more problems that are solved, the better the insurance company is.  
  3. General partner workshop and authorized workshop   
    Pay attention to the list of their partner workshops, whether they consist of workshops that are trusted and make it easier for you to make repairs, whether the distance from the workshop is close to your home or work location. Pay attention to the track record of the company's partner workshops, make sure they have good skills in repairing your vehicle.  
  4. Enterprise service features  
    When choosing a vehicle protection program for your car, it is better to pay attention to the services of the best vehicle insurance or car insurance such as hotline services, tow trucks, replacement cars, and branches scattered everywhere. Why so? If you are out of town and unexpected things happen, then you will be able to easily report the problem to the insurance company where you are.  

    Also make sure the service received is in accordance with the agreement made. You also need to ask about the problem of the insurance service to other customers who have joined for a long time.  
  5. Online application  

    Choose an insurance company that has an online application for registration and claims for vehicle insurance or others. Because this makes it very easy for you, for example if your car suddenly breaks down on the toll road, you can claim insurance via the application directly from your smartphone.  

    One of the insurance companies that provides an online claim submission application is Malacca Trust Insurance. Malacca Trust through malacca EZ provides a policy and claims management application available for the Android™ operating system at Google Play Store & IOS operating system in Apple Store. Guarantee on malacca EZ app:
  • M-com (comprehensive car insurance) and M-TLO (TLO insurance).
  • The sum insured that can be insured is at least 150 million rupiah.
  • The coverage period is 1 year.
  • Applies only to private vehicles, does not apply to rented vehicles or public transportation.
  • Free to choose additional protections such as: floods and hurricanes, personal and passenger accidents, third party legal liability, replacement cars, and others.
  • Features of malacca EZ:
  1. Claims Report directly through the application.
  2. Monitoring the status of the vehicle being repaired.
  3. Find Us : Customers can search for the nearest Malacca Trust Insurance Representative Office, nearest repair shop and other emergency numbers such as Malacca Care Center, Police, Ambulance and Fire.
  4. Reminder for the renewal of the vehicle insurance policy that will mature in the 2nd year and so on.
  5. Information on the percentage of Claims Ratio on Vehicle Insurance policies owned by Malacca Trust Insurance.
  6. ePromo; Attractive promotions that will be enjoyed by Customers when buying Vehicle Insurance via malacca EZ
  7. Public Facilities, with malacca EZ, customers can find the nearest information location in the vicinity such as: ATMs, Banks, Restaurants, Hospitals, Police Stations, and others.

What are you waiting for, let's download the malacca EZ app now!