Have you made an Electronic Identity Card (e-KTP)? If not, you should make it right away. The reason is, at the end of September 2016, to be exact the 30th is the deadline for making e-KTP besides that there are very many things that make e-KTP the main requirement, one of which is applying for insurance.

So, what are the important things that make e-KTP the main requirement:

  1. Unable to Buy Phone Number  
    If the current telephone number is mandatory to have in order to facilitate communication, without an e-KTP your communication will be disrupted or feel difficult. Initially, the control over this phone number started from controlling the cellphone counter which was required to have a code as an official sign, then continued with the personal data of the user of the phone number that was required to be valid, one of them with an e-KTP.  
  2. Creating a Bank Account  
    Many people prefer to save in a bank because it is safer and also makes transactions easier anywhere, whether cash or non-cash. However, if you don't have an e-KTP and want to open a bank account, don't expect a teller to serve you. Without an e-KTP, even if you have taken a serial number and queued for a long time, your application will still be rejected because you are considered not to have a valid identity.  
  3. Making a Driving License (SIM)  
    For those of you who have a lot of driving activities, whether it's work demands or daily activities, a driving license or driver's license is certainly required as a sign that you are fit to drive on public roads.   
    Now, in making a SIM, you are required to use an e-KTP in addition to more valid data, by using an e-KTP, you can extend the validity of your SIM anywhere. This of course makes it easier for the public to access government services.  
  4. Purchase of Motor Vehicles  
    Because e-KTP is valid in all regions in Indonesia, it makes it easier for dealers to take care of STNK anywhere without having to go far or refuse because the local KTP of the vehicle buyer is far from the dealer's location. If you use an e-KTP, you don't have to wait long for the STNK-making process to complete with the convenience.  
  5. Your Traveling Has Been Interrupted  
    As we know, to start a trip, whether it's a domestic or foreign trip that requires a passport, usually you will buy a travel ticket. Making a passport or purchasing a ticket requires an e-KTP as a valid passenger identity. Previously, there were many documents to attach to passports, namely birth certificates, Identity Cards (KTP) and Family Cards (KK), with an e-KTP as a valid data attachment, it was sufficient for making a passport.  
  6. Health Insurance   
    Nowadays health insurance services are mandatory for every individual, this is due to the increasing cost of treatment make insurance the right choice. Apart from facilitating medical expenses, there are many other benefits that can be obtained depending on the insurance company chosen, such as insurance at Malacca Trust which offers various benefits clearly and transparently. However, any insurance application is required to use an e-KTP as a valid identity.  
  7. Unable to Participate in the Regional Head Election  
    We as Indonesian citizens who are mature, are aware of what is good and what is bad, we should have the right to elect regional leaders who provide aspirations and are responsible for their people. But without an e-KTP, you don't have the right to choose. This is of course very unfortunate because one voice can change everything.  
  8. Can't Get Married  
    Imagine, you and your partner are steady and ready to live life new up together but only because you haven't changed your old KTP to e-KTP you can't legally marry at KUA and other civil registrations.

Your activities feel like they are getting more and more difficult without an e-KTP. So hurry up to make an e-KTP before September 30, 2016.