Maybe you already have car insurance, but do you understand how to claim car insurance? One of the conditions in choosing car insurance is how quickly you are served and how to process the claim. Ignorance about how to claim car insurance This causes not many Indonesian people to insure their cars.
In fact, if you know how to claim car insurance, it's actually not a complicated thing if you reading insurance policies properly, and learning what to do cause the insurance claim was rejected. What do you need to know about car insurance claims?
Definition of Insurance Claim
An insurance claim is a customer's effort to get compensation from an insurance company against a risk that occurs such as an accident or theft on an insured car.
Examples of Accident Cases
If one day you cause an accident, and injure someone causing that person to experience serious illness. Of course, the costs you have to spend are very large. Because you have to compensate for the loss of the victim. Most people do not have enough money to make up for the loss. Therefore you can transfer your risk to the insurance company. Through the insurance policy payment mechanism, namely by paying an amount of money in the form of insurance premiums, the company will pay for your losses according to what is stated on the insurance policy. and for the above categories including the expansion of third party liability guarantees (TPL).
Difference between All Risk Insurance Claim and TLO Insurance Claim
1. All Risk/ Comprehensive Insurance
That is an insurance product that will provide complete protection to your car against damage caused by a collision, collision, overturning, slipping, falling, evil deeds, theft, to fire.
One of the extensions of guarantees in all risk insurance products is the responsibility of third parties (third party liability).
2. TLO Insurance (Total Loss Only)
That is an insurance product that only provides protection against car loss or serious damage to the car. Where the repair costs are equal to or more than 75% of the price of the car.
What is a Third Party Liability?
According to Wikipedia Third Party Liability is part of the general insurance system in the form of risk financing to protect buyers (customers) from liability risks imposed by lawsuits and claims. caused by a loss to a third party (the victim). This coverage applies if the third party does not have personal car insurance.
What are the losses from third parties covered by the Insurance Company?
In the event of an accident involving a third party, Malacca Insurance will cover vehicle damage, medical expenses, and even death costs. The sum insured against claims from third parties caused by collision, collision, overturning or slipping, or fire is maximum the sum insured for legal liability to third parties as stated in the policy.
Court fees or expert assistance related to the legal liability of the insured subject to written approval from the insurer will be financed by the insurer up to a maximum of 10% of the value of legal liability to third parties.
Then how to claim car insurance?
In this case, both the insured and the third party will both get compensation from the insurance company if there are no things that are excluded in the insurance policy. Examples of exceptions in insurance policies are vehicles used to pull or push other vehicles, give driving lessons, participate in auto racing competitions, drivers do not have a driver's license, drivers are under the influence of alcoholic beverages, violate traffic signs, etc.
How to claim All Risk Car Insurance:
1. Contact the Car Insurance
The customer/insured immediately contact the Malacca Trust Insurance Company at telephone number +62 21 25 9898 35 with a maximum period of 5 working calendar days and notify about liability b third parties. The customer is not advised to be responsible for third party damage before it is approved by the insurance.
2. Prepare the Required Documents
The loss report includes a chronology of events
- Policy, certificate, attachment.
- Driver's license at the time of the incident.
- vehicle registration
- Insured's ID card.
3. Meet the Surveyor and Fill out the Car Insurance Claim Form
The surveyor makes an agreement with the customer on the place and time for the car survey. After meeting the surveyor, the customer fills out a loss report and provides the necessary documents. The Surveyor checks and takes photos of the condition of the vehicle. Then the Surveyor issues an SPE (Estimate Request Letter) and records any damage that has occurred.
4. Visit Partner Car Repair Service
The customer brings the SPE to the workshop as an introduction that the vehicle has been surveyed. The workshop conducted a re-survey, saw the damage by taking photos. Then the workshop makes an estimate, after which the estimate is sent to the insurance company.
5. The insurance company issues a Work Order to the Car Repair Service
The repair shop does your car repair.
In the case of a car insurance claim, there are many things that can cause a car insurance claim to be rejected. Therefore, you must understand well what is stated in the policy so that your car insurance claim can be accepted.